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Media Manager

Several applications in Kahua have a Media section on their records. When users upload files to the media section of those records, the files appear in the Media Manager app. It serves as a central repository for all photos uploaded to the media section. Users can also upload photos directly into Media Manager to be part of the project record. Photos added to the Media Manager app can be added to records with a Media section in other apps by selecting Add Kahua Photo.

Applications where records have a media section include the following:

  • Communications
  • Daily Reports
  • Field Observations
  • Issues
  • RFIs
  • Punch Lists

Note that only files uploaded to the Media section of a record will appear in the Media Manager app. Files uploaded to the References section of a record do not appear in Media Manager.


Add photos directly to Media Manager

Photos added in the Media section of records within applications will appear in the Media Manager app. Photos can also be added directly to the Media Manager app. You can upload a file using the Add button, or drag and drop the file from your desktop.

To add photos to the Media Manager app, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition. Note that you cannot add media at the domain root.  You must be in a project or partition to upload media.
  2. Navigate to the Media Manager application (Apps > Media Manager). 
  3. To upload a file, perform one of the following actions:
    • Select Add from the action bar. Navigate to the appropriate file through File Explorer and select Open. Only acceptable media file types will appear for selection in File Explorer.  Acceptable media file types include PNG, JPG, GIF, and TIF files.
    • Drag the file from a location on your desktop and drop it onto the main Media Manager page. Only acceptable media type files can be dropped onto the Media Manager page. Acceptable media file types include PNG, JPG, GIF, and TIF files.
    • In the Mobile host, select the Add icon , then choose Select Photo or Take Photo.

  4. Once the file is ready, the Add Files dialog box appears. If desired, enter text in the Comment field. This text will be applied to the Caption field and appear as an overlay on the image in the thumbnail view. If there is no text added here, the Caption field will contain the file name. The Caption field can be edited from the detail view of the file. Click Ok to complete the upload.

View photos by source application

You may want to view photos by their source application. You can use the built-in log view By Source to do so. Log views can be applied to both the thumbnail view and list view. To apply the By Source log view, click on the current view name. A list of available views will open. Select By Source. The thumbnail or list view will be organized by the source application.

For more information on log views, including how to create new ones for yourself or others, refer to Log Views and Log Reporting.

Download a file

To download one or more image files to your desktop, complete the following steps:

  1. To download an individual file, select the file to open the detail view. Select Download from the action bar.

  2. To download multiple files into a zip file, select the list view . Select the check boxes next to the files you want to download, and select Download from the action bar. 

  3. Enter or modify the file name as desired and select a location for the downloaded file. Click Save

Edit file details

To edit the details associated with the image file, select it from thumbnail or list view to open the detail page. Select Edit from the action bar. Update fields as appropriate.

Edit multiple records at one time

You can update several detail fields for media manager records at one time by using the Multi Edit function.

To do so, select the list view  and complete the following steps:

  1. Select the check boxes next to the records you want to edit.
  2. Select Multi Edit from the action bar.
  3. The Multi Edit page will open.
  4. You can edit individual fields. To copy a field value to other records, select the value on the record. Select Copy to All to copy the value to all other records, or select Copy to Selectedto copy the value to selected records. 

    {b} {color #eb9b3c}Note {/color} {/b}The Multi Edit page lists fields from the log view applied when Multi Edit is selected. In order to update fields not present on the default log view, create a new log view that includes all the fields you want to edit and then apply that log view before selecting Multi Edit.

  5. Click Save when you are done.

Send an image file 

To send a file from Media Manager as a message to another Kahua user or email address, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the file to open the detail view.
  2. Select Send from the action bar to open the New Message page.
  3. The image file is added as an attachment to the new message.  Enter the appropriate recipients, message text, and add any additional attachments as desired. 
  4. Click Send to send the message. For more information on sending messages, refer to Messages app

View document history

To view the history of the file, select it from thumbnail or list view to open the detail page. Select History from the action bar. To see more details for an individual history item, select view edit next to that item.

Delete a file

Only files that are not linked to records in other apps can be deleted from Media Manager.  

To delete a file from Media Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the file to open the detail view. 
  2. Select Delete from the action bar.
  3. To delete multiple files at once, select the list view . Select the check boxes next to the files you want to delete, and select Delete from the action bar. 
  4. Click Ok on the confirmation message to delete the file. 

If a record was deleted in error, it can be recovered from the Recycle Bin application by an administrator. For more information, refer to Recycle Bin.

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