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Navigating Apps

When you are working in Kahua, you will be using multiple apps to enter and review data. While each app has a different focus and features, many of them have some similarities in how they function and how you will interact with them.


Action bar

The action bar appears below the header. Here is where you will find actions to perform on records selected in the log view. The available actions may change as you select records in the log view.

Common elements are as follows:

  • Log View- Select this icon to open the log view.
  • Report View  - Select this icon to open a list of available reports.
  • Share - Select this icon to open a list of shares.
  • Action items - The various action items available appear here. Which actions will be available will depend on the app you are in and which, if any, records have been selected. Commonly available actions are New, Add, Delete, Move, Multi Edit, Export, Import, and others. 

Grid header

When you are in the log view, the grid header appears below the action bar. The format may vary, depending on the app you have open.

Common elements are as follows:

  • Search  - Select this icon to open the grid search. In most applications you can select a field to search in and enter a value to search for.
  • Log views - The name of the currently selected log view appears here. Most apps have a Default view that includes all the records in that app for the currently selected project or partition. Click on the log view name to select a different log view or to select Manage Views. Users with the appropriate permissions can select Manage Views to create or edit views that can be made private or available to everyone. For more information, refer to Log Views and Log Reporting.
  • Refresh  - Select this icon to refresh the log view. In most applications, the log view will auto-refresh after a certain period of time, but selecting this icon forces the view to update.
  • Quick Filter - Some apps have quick filters available. A quick filter allows you to select one or more values to filter the log view by.
  • Report  - Select this icon to generate a report from the current log view. The report will contain a list of records appear in the view at that moment, including any applied searches or sort order changes. For more information, refer to Log Views and Log Reporting.
  • Select all - Select this check box in the header to select all the records in the current log view. You can then act on these records. If available, the Multi Edit action opens an editable grid containing the selected records, allowing you to make edits to multiple records at one time. 
  • Column headers - Click on a column header to sort by that column. 
  • Column "locking" - When you hover on a column header, the unlocked icon will appear. You can click the icon to "lock" that column in place. You can lock multiple columns. Locked columns remain in the leftmost position on the grid, allowing you to scroll to the right and the locked column remains visible. To unlock a column, hover on the column header and select the locked icon . The column will return to its original position as defined in the log view.

Log view/Split View/Detail View

In most applications and depending on the option you've selected in your user settings and preferences, the log view, split screen view, and full-page view selector appears at the bottom of the page:

  • Log View  - Select this icon to see the log view.
  • Split Screen View  - Select this to see the log view on the left-side of the page and the detail view on the right side of the screen. If this option is not available to you, enable it by clicking on your profile icon in the header to open your preferences. Select Split Screen to enable the Split Screen view.  In split screen view, hover over the dividing line between the log and detail view to adjust the width of each.
  • Full-page View  - Select this to open the detail pane to be the full-width of the page.

Detail Header

When you open a record, the detail view opens. Depending on your settings, it will either open in the split screen view or the full-page view.

Common elements are as follows:

  • Action bar - Similar to the action bar for the log view, various action items appear here. Which actions will be available will depend on the app you are in, which record is selected, and your user permissions. Commonly available actions are Send, Edit, Process, View, Delete, Move, History, and others. Select the ellipses icon  to access action items that are hidden for space reasons.
  • URL Link- Click this icon to copy a URL link to the record. Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to open Kahua directly to that record by using the link.
  • Record Name and Preview/Edit - Typically, the name of the open record and an indication of the mode it is in (Preview, Edit, etc.) appears directly below the action bar.
  • Items  - As you open and work in records, the number of open items appears here. Click on the Items icon to see a list of currently open records. Note that selecting Edit on a record will open a new page and increase the number of open items by one, as the original record in Preview mode remains open.
  • Maximize and Minimize - Select Maximize  to open the record to a full screen view. From the full screen view, select Minimize  to return to the original view.
  • Close  - Select the close icon to close the currently open item. Note that the number of open items decreases by one.

Media section

The Media section appears on some but not all record types in Kahua. The majority of these apps include similar actions and options in the Media section. Files uploaded here are also available in the Media Manager app for the project or partition where they have been uploaded. For more information, refer to Media Manager.

Applications where records have a media section include the following:

  • Communications
  • Daily Reports
  • Field Observations
  • Issues
  • RFIs
  • Punch Lists

The following options are typically available in the Media section action bar:

Column Name


Thumbnails View

 / List View

Select Thumbnail View

 for a grid view of the uploaded image files. Select List View

 for a list view of the uploaded image files. The list view includes a small thumbnail image, file name, who uploaded the file and when, and comments.

Select All

Click to select all the media files.


Select Upload to upload a file from File Explorer. You can also use drag and drop to add a file to the Media section.

After selecting Upload, navigate to the appropriate file through File Explorer and select Open. Only acceptable media file types will appear for selection in File Explorer.  Acceptable media file types include PNG, JPG, GIF, and TIF files.

{b} {color #eb9b3c}Note {/color} {/b} Note that if you are using Microsoft Edge as your browser, you may be able to take advantage of the Upload from Mobile feature to access files on your mobile device. For more information, refer to

Add Kahua Photo

Select Add Kahua Photo to link to a file from the Media Manager app. Once added here, the file cannot be deleted from Media Manager. For more information, refer to "Media Manager" on page 1.

Include for Print

Select Update if the value in the Is Current field for a file is "No". If the Is Current value is "No", that indicates that the reference file was added from another location in Kahua, the original file was updated, and this reference file is out of date. Selecting the file and selecting Update will update the reference file and bring it current.


Select Remove to remove the file from the record.

References section

The References section appears on many record types in Kahua. The majority of apps include similar actions and options in the References section.

The following options are typically available in the References section action bar:

Column Name


Hide Thumbnails

 / Show Thumbnails

Select Hide Thumbnails

 for a grid view of the reference documents. Select Show Thumbnails

 for a thumbnail view that includes basic information on the uploaded file, including Description, Contributor, Date, Markups status, and Comments.


The View option is available when a document is uploaded and the Preview Status is "Rendered". Select a document and click View to open the document in the markup view.


Select Upload to upload a file. You can upload a document from your computer. If you have enabled uploads from Google Drive in My Settings > General tab > Enable Google Drive Uploads, you can also upload a document from your Google Drive. Refer to General tab. Note that if you are using Microsoft Edge as your browser, you may be able to take advantage of the Upload from Mobile feature to access files on your mobile device. For more information, refer to

Add Kahua Doc

Select Add Kahua Doc to link to a record or uploaded file in Kahua.


Select Edit to modify any of the following fields for a reference file: Description, Reference Type, Include on Send, Include Markup on Send.


Select Markup to open the document in the Markup editor.


Select Update if the value in the Is Current field for a file is "No". If the Is Current value is "No", that indicates that the reference file was added from another location in Kahua, the original file was updated, and this reference file is out of date. Selecting the file and selecting Update will update the reference file and bring it current.


Select Remove to remove the file from the record.


Select Download to download the reference file to your device. If you select more than one file to download, they will be saved in a single ZIP file.

Add Composite

Select Add Composite to create a single multi-page PDF file that contains selected documents. The Create Composite Document page appears. From this page, you choose what files to include in the PDF.

You can select to include a portable view of the current record, reference files, and other documents that you have access to in the domain. You can control the order in which they appear in the resulting PDF file. You must provide a name for the file, and determine the Include on Send value. After you click Ok, the composite document will appear as an additional reference file.

To change what files are included in the composite document, select the record and click Edit on the references action bar. Alternatively, scroll to the right and select More. Both actions will open the Edit Composite Document page. Modify the file selections and click Ok to update the composite document. Note that to edit the composite document, the associated record must be in edit mode.

If the associated record is not in edit mode, selecting More will open the View Composite Document page.  Here you can view what files were included in the composite document when it was created.

Columns appear when you select the Hide Thumbnails  grid view. You can sort by a column by clicking on the column name in the header. You can adjust the width of column by dragging the divider between two columns in the header.

The columns typically available in the References section are as follows:

Column Name



Select the check box in the grid header to select all the documents. You can also select one or more documents in the grid individually to act on them.


The type of document. To edit the type of document, select Edit in the grid's action bar.


The Description field is populated with the filename when the file is initially uploaded. To modify the Description field after a file has been uploaded, select Edit in the grid's action bar.


The name of the person who uploaded the file.


The date and time the file was uploaded.


The size of the file. This field will not be populated if the document is a Kahua document (i.e., added by selecting Add Kahua Doc originally)


Indicates Yes if the file has markups applied, No if there are no markups.

Include on Send

If Yes, the file will be included when the record is acted upon, depending on the application workflow. Additionally, the file is included in the resulting portable view PDF file when View w/References is selected from the record's View action. If No, the file is not included.

Include Markup on Send

If Yes, any markups on the file will be included when the file is included on send, including when View w/References is selected. If No, the markups on the file are not included.

Is Current

If the Is Current value is "No", that indicates that the reference file was added from another location in Kahua, the original file was updated, and this reference file is out of date. Select the file and select Update to update the reference file and bring it current.

Preview Status

The Preview Status field indicates where the document is in the process to becoming viewable. Possible statuses include:

  • Uploaded - The file has been uploaded but it not yet available for viewing.
  • Rendering - The file is being prepared for viewing.
  • Rendered - The file is available for viewing.


Any comments added when the file was initially uploaded will appear here.


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