The Meetings application allows you to plan and record meeting minutes for project meetings for both one-time meetings and recurring meetings. Additionally, you can create action items from meeting items and add them as tasks for contacts who are Kahua users.
Key elements of the Meetings app are as follows:
- You can create a single meeting or series of meetings.
- You can update or extend a series of meetings any time after they are initially created.
- You can create and distribute a meeting agenda ahead of the meeting.
- You can create a sign-up sheet for expected attendees and additional attendees.
- You can create and distribute meeting minutes to attendees and additional contacts.
- You can create and assign action items. Action items can be assigned as tasks in Kahua.
- You can copy items from a previous meeting into an existing meeting, including unresolved items from the previous meeting.
- Create a new meeting or series of meetings
- Add attendees to a meeting
- Add Agenda items, Meeting Items, or Action Items
- Manage Action Items
- Edit or extend a meeting series
- Copy Items from a previous meeting
- Print Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes
- Send the Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes as a Kahua message
- Convert a one-time meeting to a recurring series
- Delete a meeting
Create a new meeting or series of meetings
You can set up an outline for a meeting and use that outline to create a meeting agenda. This can be done for one-time meetings and recurring meetings. The agenda can be sent to anticipated attendees ahead of a scheduled meeting.
For information on copying information from an existing meeting to the next meeting in a series, refer to Create a new meeting or series of meetings.
To set up a new meeting with an agenda, complete the following steps:
- Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
- Navigate to the Meetings application (Apps > Document Management > Meetings).
- Click New in the action bar.
- Complete the following fields as necessary in the Details tab:
Enter the name of the meeting
Select the type of meeting. Note that this list can be updated by your domain administrator in the Configuration app > Meetings > Lookups.
Select the status of this meeting.
Enter the meeting location.
Start Time/End Time
Enter the scheduled start and end time.
Prepared By
Select the contact who has prepared the meeting notes.
Select non-attendees who should receive copies of the meeting minutes. For information on sending the meeting minutes as a Kahua message, refer to Send the Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes as a Kahua message.
Meeting Notes
Enter general meeting notes, such as a description or the purpose of the meeting or meeting series.
Recurrence Pattern
Select the recurrence pattern for the meeting from the list of options, from no recurrence to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. When you select the frequency, the appropriate selections for recurrence interval appear.
Range of Recurrance
When you select a recurrence pattern, the Range of Recurrence section appears. Select a Start date. Select an ending after a number of occurrences or by a specific date.
- Click Save to save the meeting. If the meeting was set up as a recurring meeting, all the meetings in the series will be created once you save.
Add attendees to a meeting
You can add anticipated attendees to a scheduled meeting, or a list of actual attendees to a meeting that has occurred. You can send the agenda to the meeting attendees ahead of time, and the meeting minutes to the attendees once they are recorded.
Note that you can print a Meeting Sign-in Sheet that includes anticipated attendees from the attendee list. Refer to Print Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes.
To add attendees to a meeting, complete the following steps:
- Open the meeting record that you want to edit.
- Select Edit from the action bar.
- Select the Attendees tab.
- To add multiple contacts at one time, select Add Multiple.
- To enter a single contact, click Insert to add a new line. Click the Contact field and select an existing contact from the Contacts application. To limit the list to contacts in the project directory, if available select Only Show Project Directory People. For more information, refer to Project Directory.
- To add a new contact to the Contacts app and select them as an attendee, select New Contact.
- Select Optional for attendees who are optional to attend.
- In the Attendance column, record individual attendance.
- If there are attendees who are not contacts in your Kahua domain and you do not wish to add them as contacts, you can add their information in the Attendee Notes field.
- Click Save when you are done.
Add Agenda items, Meeting Items, or Action Items
The Meeting Items are the topics discussed during the meeting. You can enter items ahead of time to create an agenda for the meeting, and then add details during or after the meeting to capture the meeting minutes. Individual action items are added to meeting items. They can be viewed from the Action Items tab, but they must be entered on a meeting item as described below.
Note that when adding the minutes for an existing meeting in a series, use the Copy from Previous function to roll over basic information that typically remains consistent from one meeting to the next, such as the attendee list, and copy over unresolved meeting items that require continued discussion in the next meeting. Refer to Copy Items from a previous meeting.
To enter meeting items to a meeting, complete the following steps:
- Open the meeting record that you want to edit.
- Select Edit from the action bar.
- Select the Meeting Items tab.
- Enter a number and click Insert to add that number of lines to the meeting items grid.
- Complete the following fields as appropriate:
By default, this number will be created automatically. You can modify it if desired. The configuration of this value is managed by your domain administrator in the app configuration.
Enter the meeting item subject.
Date Originated
This defaults to today's date, but it can be modified.
Due Date
If there's a due date for this discussion item, enter it here.
Select "New Business" or "Old Business". When a "New Business" item is copied over to the next meeting using the Copy From Previous function, this changes automatically to "Old Business".
Select a category from the list. Note that this list can be updated by your domain administrator in the Configuration app > Meetings > Lookups.
Responsible Companies
Use the dropdown to select one or more responsible companies for this item.
Responsible Contact
Use the dropdown to select one or more responsible contacts for this item.
- To add agenda details or minute details for an item, select the Expand icon
- The items grid detail page appears. For more information on navigating this page, refer to Navigating Apps.
Note that the record must be in Edit mode to enable editing of the meeting item details in the items grid detail page!
- When preparing the agenda, enter any additional information to the Agenda Details field as appropriate. This information will appear on the Meeting Agenda report. Refer to Print Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes.
- When entering the meeting minutes, enter the notes into the Minute Details field as appropriate. This information will appear on the Meeting Minutes report. Refer to Print Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes.
- You can also create one or more action items for this meeting item on this page. Scroll down to the Action Items section. Enter a number and click Insert to add that number of lines to the action items grid
Complete the fields as follows:Field
Assigned To
Select a contact from the list.
Due Date
Enter a due date
Create Task
If the contact assigned to this action item is a Kahua user, select this check box to create a Kahua task for assigned user. Note that once the item is saved and a task is created, the action item cannot be further modified unless it is recalled.
Completed Date
If a Kahua task was created for this item, the date the task is completed will automatically be added here. Otherwise, this can be entered manually.
Select a status.
Percent Complete
Enter the appropriate numeric value.
- To enter additional notes for this action item, select the Expand icon
- The item grid detail page appears. You can enter detailed notes and add reference documentation as needed. When you are finished, click Done to return to the meeting item.
- When you have completed entering information for this meeting item, use the arrow icons to navigate to the next item on the list. When you are finished, click Done.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Note that you must save the meeting record to save your changes to the meeting items.
Manage Action Items
As meeting minutes are created by updating the Minute Details field for individual meeting items, you can create one or more action items on meeting items. These action items can be assigned to Kahua contacts. When the assignee is a Kahua user, the action item can be added as a Kahua task by selecting the Task check box. For information on adding action items, refer to "Add Agenda items, Meeting Items, or Action Items" above.
Note that action items cannot be added on the Action Items tab. They must be added to a meeting item.
To set an action item as complete, one of the following steps can be taken:
- The user to whom the task was assigned can mark it complete in the Tasks app. For more information, refer to Tasks App.
- You can manually mark it as complete by selecting Mark Complete on the item on the Action Items tab for the meeting.
When an action item has been set as complete, you can select Reject to return the task to assignee if it is not actually completed.
To remove an action item as a task, select Recall.
To modify an existing action item that is not assigned as a task to a Kahua user, select Edit from the action bar. The meeting opens in Edit mode and any action items not currently assigned as a task can be modified. Click Save when you are done.
Edit or extend a meeting series
If you want to update the details, schedule, attendee list, or meeting items for future occurrences of a meeting series, you can do so by editing the series. Only future occurrences of the meeting will be impacted by the changes. Existing meetings will not be modified.
Note that when you update a meeting series, Kahua deletes any existing future meeting occurrences and creates new ones based on your updated selections. To avoid impacting meetings which occurred in the past, you are required to enter a date equal to or after the current date in the Start date field in the Range of Recurrence section of the Details tab.
To edit a meeting series, complete the following steps:
- Open the meeting record where you want to update the recurrence information.
- Select Edit Series from the action bar. The editable tabs of Details, Attendees, and Meeting Items appear.
- On the Details tab, in the Range of Recurrence section, enter today's date or a later one in the Start date field.
- Modify any additional information on the Details tab as desired. To extend the meeting series, modify the End date value or number of occurrences as appropriate.
- On the Attendees tab, modify the Attendee Notes or Attendees list.
- On the Meeting Items tab, modify meeting items.
- Click Save when you are done. All future meetings after the newly entered Start date are updated. If an individual future meeting's schedule had previously been changed (for example, moved to a different day due to a holiday), those changes will be discarded and the schedule will be updated to reflect the latest changes.
Copy Items from a previous meeting
When a meeting is part of a series, you can copy items from a previous meeting into the next meeting. This allows you to roll over basic information that typically remains consistent from one meeting to the next, such as the attendee list, and copy over unresolved meeting items that require continued discussion in the next meeting. You can select what elements of the original meeting to copy into the next meeting.
To copy items from the previous meeting, complete the following steps:
- Open the meeting record that you want to copy into.
- Select Copy From Previous.
- The Copy from previous page appears. Select the elements that you want to copy from the previous meeting.
Previous Meeting
Select the meeting in the series that you want to copy the values from.
Select this option to copy the values from the Details section of the Details tab. Note that References on the Details tab are not copied over.
Select this option copy the Attendee list, including the Optional status. To include the Attendee Attendance values, select Copy Attendee Attendance below.
Copy Attendee Attendance
Select this option to include the Attendee Attendance values. The Attendees option must be selected to modify this field.
Meeting Items
Select this option to include the Meeting Items.
Meeting Item Number
Select this option to include the Meeting Item Number values. The Meeting Items option must be selected to modify this field.
Agenda Details to
Select this option to copy the Agenda Details field. In the dropdown below, determine if the Agenda Details from the original meeting should be copied to the current meeting's Agenda Details field, Minute Details field, or both.
Minute Details to
Select this option to copy the Minute Details field. In the dropdown below, determine if the Minute Details from the original meeting should be copied to the current meeting's Agenda Details field, Minute Details field, or both.
Update Type to
Select this option to update the meeting item's Type field to "Old Business" or "New Business".
Action Items
Select this option to copy the Action Items from the original meeting. In the dropdown below, determine if the Not Completed, Completed, or All items should be copied.
- Select Continue.
- The items are copied into the meeting. Select the meeting from the log view and select Edit to modify it as necessary.
Print Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes
Once the agenda, attendee, or meeting minutes information is added to a meeting record, you can view and print the Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes reports.
To print one of the reports, complete the following steps:
- Open the appropriate meeting record.
- Select View from the action bar.
- Select one of the following reports:
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Sign-In Sheet
- The report view opens. To generate a pdf of the report, click on the Open PDF icon
. The PDF file can then be printed.
- Click the Close icon
when you are done. For more information on reports in Kahua, refer to Viewing a Report. For information on changing the logo used on reports, refer to Managing report logos.
Send the Meeting Agenda, Sign-In Sheet, or Meeting Minutes as a Kahua message
Once the agenda, attendee, or meeting minutes information is added to a meeting record, you can send the agenda, sign-up sheet, or minutes to the users on the attendee list and distribution/cc list as a Kahua message.
To send the meeting as a Kahua message, complete the following steps:
- Open the appropriate meeting record.
- Select Send from the action bar.
- Note that the contacts from the Attendee List are in the To section, and the contacts from the Distribution/CC field are in the CC section.
- Modify the To/CC/BCC lists, Copy to Communications selection, and message Subject as appropriate. Non-Kahua contacts can be included by adding their email addresses to one of the To/CC/BCC fields.
- Enter message text as needed.
- The message attachments appear below the message text. A PDF version of the Minutes, Agenda, and Sign-In sheet are generated added as attachments. To remove an attachment, select it and select Delete. Note that the ".kahua" file is a system file and can be removed.
- Click Send to send the message. For more information on the Messages app, refer to Messages app.
Convert a one-time meeting to a recurring series
If a meeting was initially created a one-time meeting but you want to convert it to a recurring meeting, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to the meeting in the log view and click on it to open the detail view.
- Select Add Recurrence from the action bar.
- Select Add Recurrence. The Schedule section appears.
- Select the appropriate Recurrence Pattern and Range of Recurrence.
- Click Save. Once saved, all the meetings in the series will be created.
Delete a meeting
Meetings can be deleted by users with the appropriate permissions.
To delete a meeting, complete the following steps:
- Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
- Navigate to the Meetings application (Apps > Document Management > Meetings).
- In the log view, select the check box next to the record or multiple records that you want to delete. Select Delete from the action bar.
- Alternatively, to delete a single record, right-click on an item in the log view and select Delete or open the detail view and select Delete from the action bar.
- Click OK on the confirmation message. The record or records will be deleted.
If a record was deleted in error, it can be recovered from the Recycle Bin application by an administrator. For more information, refer to Recycle Bin.