In addition to various performance improvements, user interface updates and error corrections, this release will also include:
Spell Check
Kahua has added real time spell check functionality to our Windows host. Any words not found in your Windows or MS Office dictionaries will appear underlined in red. To correct a misspelled word, right click and select the word you would like. To add words to your dictionary open an MS Office application and add the word within the spell checker or you can update your Windows 10 dictionary directly via Windows Explorer in the .dic Dictionary file within the folder for your selected language here:%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Spelling
Note the spell check functionality is not available for browser based sign ins.
Supplemental Codes app
The Supplemental Codes app is a new app surfaced in the Index Management container. This app is used in conjunction with the Work Breakdown app to provide additional data points for your Activity Codes. These data points can be used in integrations and are also published to the Kahua Data Store for use in custom reporting. Common use cases are to create Supplemental Codes for accounting/general ledger codes used by your accounting system, to create Supplemental Codes for your organizational structure to assign a cost center to each Activity Code, and/or creating Supplemental Codes for different cost types, like Capital or Operating expenses. To use Supplemental Codes, you must first define the type of code you want to create within the Lookup tab of Configuration for Supplemental Codes. Once the types have been created, you will need to set up the individual codes for each Type in the Supplemental Codes app for your project. To tag a Supplemental Code to an Activity Code, create or edit the Activity Code and insert one or more Supplemental Codes in the table and select a Type and Value. The Supplemental Codes app is installed on all Kahua domains that have Cost Management. Default permissions are Administrator for the Domain Admin group and Contributor for the Domain User group.
Tasks Updates
Kahua has added functionality to help individual users and organizations better manage tasks through task reassignments and task list shares. Individuals have the option of reassigning tasks in their task list or sharing all or part of their list with other individuals. Organization administrators can now use the Project Tasks application for reassignments for personnel changes or unplanned absences.
Task Reassignments

Note: Because tasks are created by the host application, tasks can only be reassigned to contacts allowed in the host application environment. If a user is not available in the Reassign To dropdown, you will need to contact the organization that initiated the task to include the user as a Contact.
Task List Sharing
Quickly share your task list by selecting the Share action. You can create multiple shares and filter the tasks that the share invitee can see by project, application, or other available criteria. Use task sharing to automatically distribute certain tasks that come to you to the appropriate project team members.
Project Tasks Application
Project administrators that need to reassign tasks due to personnel changes or unavailable users can use Project Tasks to view all tasks that have originated from a specific project and reassign selected tasks to another user.
Note: Some values such as Date Assigned or Source Application might not be present on existing tasks.
OmniClass Codes
This application is part of the Index Management group of applications and is used as a reference in other applications to associate records to corresponding OmniClass codes. Not only are these codes useful for classifying resources, work, and assets; but also are vital to sharing data with other systems. Any Kahua client who adopts the Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie), will need to use these codes in their applications to achieve compliance.
Mobile Updates
The iOS and Android apps have been updated. Download the appropriate app for your device:
Kahua Mobile for iOS on iTunes
Kahua Mobile for Android on Google Play
Mobile app updates will be released as approved by Apple and Google. It may take up to 14 days for the app updates to become available.