The Kahua header provides access to the Kahua home page, your projects and apps, your tasks and messages, and your user preferences and settings.
The following items appear in the header:
Home page icon 
The home page icon is always available. Clicking on the home page icon will open the Kahua home page. From the home page, you can access your My Projects list, your open tasks, and your unread messages. For information about the Kahua Home page, refer to Kahua Home Page.
Project name
The name of project or partition you are currently in will appear here. Hovering over the Project Name shows where in the hierarchy the project is located. If no project is selected, Select a Project will appear in the header.
To navigate to another project or partition, click on the name of the current project or partition, or if present, Select a Project. A list of up to twenty of your most recently accessed projects will appear. Select a project or partition from the list to open it.
To search the list of recent projects, enter a portion of the project name (or also project number if you have My Settings > Show Project Number setting enabled) in the search bar.
To search for a project or partition not on the list, select Find a Project to open the Project Finder app. Alternatively, you can access the Project Finder app from the launch bar or Apps menu at any time and use it to navigate to another project or partition. Refer to Navigating Projects using the Project Finder app.
Project Information icon 
Select the Project Information icon to open up the Project Information page. Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to edit the project information. Refer to Project Information.
App name
The name of the application you currently have open will appear here.
To change applications, click on the name of the current application that you are in. A list of up to twenty of your most recently accessed apps will appear. Select an app from the list to open it. To search the Recent Apps list, enter a portion of the app name in the search bar.
To search for an app not on the list, select Browse All Apps to open the list of all applications.
You can receive tasks from other users in a number of applications in Kahua. All your tasks from all your projects appear together in the Tasks application. Click on the tasks icon to open the Tasks app and respond to the task. The number of open tasks appears on the icon. For more information, refer to Responding to Tasks.
System messages and messages from other users appear in the Messages application. All your messages from all your projects appear together in the Messages application. Click on the messages icon to open the Messages app and review your messages. The number of unread messages appears on the icon.
Your user profile
To review all your user settings and preferences, click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the Kahua screen. For more information on user settings, refer to Your User Settings and Preferences.