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Configuration Overview

The Configuration app is where you configure all applications and multiple settings for your domain, partitions, and projects. Users in the Domain Administrator group have access to the Configuration app. Other users may be granted access to some or all elements of the app through group permissions. 

The Configuration app can be accessed directly through the apps list (Apps > Administration > Configuration), or by right-clicking on an application in the launch bar and selecting Configure. When you select Configure for an app from the launch bar, the detail view of the configuration page for that application opens automatically.

When working in the Configuration app, it is important to review the header and ensure that you are working at the correct level in the hierarchy, either the root domain or at a partition or project level. Settings that you establish at the root domain or lower levels will inherit down the hierarchy until they are overridden. For more information on the hierarchical structure of Kahua, refer to Project/Partition Structure.

The following tabs are available in the Configuration application:


On this tab you access configuration settings for each application. You can enable or disable an application, and where applicable, modify numbering schemes, control which fields are visible and if any are required, enter default values, manage lookup lists, add portable views, select workflows, and manage other settings.

For more information, refer to


On this tab you can establish and modify approval workflows for cost applications. Kahua allows you to define linear workflows that are in line with your company's business processes. In this tab, the Review and Signature workflows for each cost app may be defined, including the determination of task type (Kahua or DocuSign), the order of approvals, any thresholds associated with the approval roles, and any additional workflow logic.

For more information, refer to Approvals Configuration: Approvals.


When a project is complete, it can be archived. The project becomes read-only and cannot be modified.

To preserve records of a project while it is in progress, consider using the Project Snapshot feature. Refer to Project Snapshot.


On this tab you can create and define automated processes, such as automation of daily reports to be created for a project.


Default currency and exchange rates for partition and projects are established here.


Before modifying these settings, review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.

The following settings are configured on the Settings tab of the Configuration app:



Disable Outbound Emails for all Users

Select Disable Outbound Emails so that the user will only be permitted to send content to other Kahua users as Message recipients. No external emails will be sent. This means if the recipient does not have a Kahua account, the recipient will not receive the message. The sender is provided with a warning banner at the top of every message to let them know their message may not be delivered due to this setting. Instead of disabling outbound emails for all users, this setting can be selected for individual users in the Users app.

Disable Adhoc Emails for all Users

Select Disable Adhoc Emails to require that the user select a contact in the To/CC/BCC fields of a message. The user will not be permitted to manually type an email address. Note: The selected contact will not need to be a Kahua user to be selected. Instead of disabling ad hoc emails for all users, this setting can be selected for individual users in the Users app.

Copy App Messages to Communications by Default

Select this option to have the Copy to Communications check box on messages selected by default for all users in the current partition or project. Users will be able to clear the check box prior to sending the message. For more information, refer to Messages app.

Reporting Logo Source

Select the source to use for the logo file that appears in the header of reports for this partition or project. Select from the following choices:

  • Project - This will use the logo file selected in the Project Information page for the partition or project. Refer to Project Information.
  • Domain - This will use the logo file selected in the Company Profiles app for the Company associated with this domain. Refer to Company Profiles.
For more information on modifying the logo that appears on reports in your project, refer to Managing report logos.


Stamps are used in markups, typically to indicate approval or rejection of documents or drawings, but they can be used for whatever purpose makes sense for your organization. 

Users who are not domain administrators can be granted the ability to administer stamps. In the Groups application > Permissions tab > Configuration section, enable the Stamp Configuration Administrator permission. 

For more information on stamp configuration, refer to Configuring Stamps.


Weather data can be configured for each project. Once configured, the weather data is collected at a selected frequency and stored. It is then available to be added to Daily Reports by selected Add Daily Conditions on the weather section of a daily report. It also appears on the project's widget on the Kahua home page.

For detailed instructions on configuring weather data, refer to Weather.


When you invite internal and external users to work with you in Kahua, they are sent an invitation email. The templates used to create those emails are managed here.

A system default template is used when new internal users are invited to your Kahua domain. This template can also be selected when you invite external users. You cannot customize the system default template, but you can add additional text to appear on the invitation. You can create additional templates to use when inviting external users. For detailed instructions on modifying the additional text for the system default template and creating additional templates for use when inviting external users, refer to Creating an Invite Template.

Work Days

On this tab you can determine work days, such as office days, job site days, holidays, and exceptions to these days. By default, Active Days, meaning days the project is active, are set to Monday through Friday for both Office Days and Job Site Days.

To modify the settings on this page, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration application (Apps > Administration > Configuration).
  3. Select the Work Days tab.
  4. Note that inheritance is managed per individual section, not at the tab level. 
  5. In the Active Days section, as appropriate, enable Office Days and Job Site Days and select the appropriate work days. 
  6. In the Holidays section, click Add to add a holiday. Enter a Description, a Date, and select Office Closed or Job Site Closed as appropriate. A day selected as a holiday will be considered an inactive day.
  7. In the Exceptions section, click Add to add an exception. Enter a Description, a Date, and for Office Calendar or Job Site Calendar, select "Open" or "Closed" as appropriate. Exceptions override the status of a date to make it active or inactive, regardless of its setting for “Active Days” or “Holidays”. Exceptions only affect office and job site calendars. Exceptions do not impact straight calendar days.
  8. Click Save when you are done.

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