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Portable Views - Setting the Logo

Administrators have the ability to define the logo that is displayed on the PDF views of Kahua documents. The logo can be defined in the Configuration app for each partition/project and application. For example, to use the company logo of the user who documented a meeting, the administrator will update the Portable Views tab in Configuration for the Meetings app and set the Logo Source to the Prepared By attribute.


  • By default, the domain logo will appear on all Kahua documents and inherit down through the project hierarchy
  • Configuration changes will update any child partition/projects that are set to Inherit 
  • Previously rendered portable views will not change; to update the logo on an existing document, the document must be edited and resaved

 To select a different logo to use, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration app.
  3. In the Applications tab, select the appropriate application.
  4. Open the Portable Views tab.
  5. The Views tab will be open by default.
  6. Select Override
  7. In the Logo Source column, select the logo source.  Your options will include the following:
    • Inherit – The logo inherited from the parent partition.
    • Kahua Default – The “kFlake” logo.
    • Domain – The logo defined in the Company Profile app for the domain.  Refer to Company Profiles.
    • Project - The logo defined on the project record. Refer to Project Information.
    • Attributes – Project/Company/People attributes available on the Kahua document.

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