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Mobile Features and Functionality

Most applications, features, and functions are available on all Kahua hosts. The following list includes differences on our mobile hosts. This list is frequently updated. Contact Kahua Support if you have any questions concerning this list.

Features only available on the Mobile Host:

  • Biometric Authentication 
  • PDF Finger Signature 
  • Click to Call Contact
  • Text Contact (Auto-Attach Document when Available)

Features with limited access on the Mobile Host:

  • Applications 
    • Design Management within File Manager
  • Bulk Processing (e.g., Copy Project)

Features not available on the Mobile Host:

  • Features 
    • Local File Sync
    • Google Drive Uploads
    • File Manager Properties Features
    • Gantt Charts 
    • MultiEdit 
    • Quick Add Person (From Application Tray)
    • Quick Add/Edit Projects (Form Header and Project Finder)
    • One-Click File Open (in File Manager)
    • Model Viewing and Navigation
  • Domain Applications 
    • Dashboards
  • Administrative Applications 
    • Analytics 
    • Bid Items 
    • Bid Management 
    • Bid Room 
    • Calendar 
    • Community 
    • Company Profiles
    • Configuration
    • Dev Logs
    • Domain Settings 
    • Getting Started
    • Groups 
    • Installed Apps 
    • Licenses 
    • Milepost Manager
    • Project Tasks
    • Projects 
    • Recycle Bin
    • Report Manager
    • Share Manager
    • Users
    • Checklist and Inspections
    • Company Questionnaires
    • Schedule
  • Cost Applications
    • Capital Planning
    • Cashflow
    • Catalogs 
    • Cost Code Indices
    • Earned Value
    • Work Breakdown
  • Design Management 
    • Drawing Log 
    • Design Review (Legacy)
  • Index Applications 
    • CSI Codes
    • Document Types
    • Locations

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