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The Tasks application

You can receive tasks from other users in a number of applications in Kahua. All your assigned tasks from all your projects appear together in the Tasks app. Because the tasks application consolidates all your tasks from all your projects, it does not matter what project is open when you are working in the Tasks application.


Open the Tasks app

The Tasks application can be accessed from any of the following three ways:

  • Tasks icon on the header- Click on the tasks icon on the Kahua header to open the app. The number in red on the icon is the number of open tasks you have.

  • Open Tasks section of the Kahua Home page - Click on a task from the list of open tasks on the home page to open that task in the Tasks application. Alternatively, click open app from the section header.

  • Main Apps menu - Navigate to Apps > All Apps > Tasks to open the Tasks app.

Act on a task

To act on a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Tasks application. 
  2. Your open tasks appear in the log view. Tasks that have been delegated to other users are present, but are greyed out to indicate that they have been delegated. From the log view, select a task to open the detail view.
  3. Review the task in the detail view. If desired, select View Source Record to review the underlying document for the task. For example, if the task is requesting a response to an RFI, you can select View Source Record to open the associated RFI in the RFI application.

  4. Some applications allow users to delegate, i.e. reassign, tasks to other users. If available, you can select Delegate from the action bar to reassign the tasks to another Kahua user. That user will be able to act on the task on your behalf. 
  5. Depending on the task, different options will be available in the action bar and at the bottom of the task. The available action buttons may include actions such as Approve, Decline, Mark Complete, Review Complete, or Send Update. Select the appropriate action button to complete the task. 

  6. If necessary, click Save when you are done.

Act on a delegated task

When a task has been delegated to you, it will appear in your tasks list like any other task assigned to you. You are able to act on it in the usual manner.

When you open the detail view of the task, information about the delegation will appear at the top of the task. It will indicate who the task was delegated to and who the task was delegated from.

To learn more about task delegation, refer to Task Delegation.

Delegate a task to another user

For most tasks, you have the option to delegate, i.e., reassign, the task to another user in your primary domain. 

To learn more about task delegation, refer to Task Delegation.

To delegate a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Tasks application.
  2. From the log view, select the task to be delegated to open the detail view.
  3. Select Delegate from the action bar. The Delegate Task window opens.

  4. Complete the fields on the Delegate Task window.
    • Select the user to delegate the task to.
    • Select Notify Orginator to send a message to the user who originally created or submitted the task.
    • Enter text in the Message field to be added to the message sent to the task originator. 
  5. Click Submit when you are done. 

View a task's history

To view the history of a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Tasks application.
  2. From the log view, select the task to open the detail view.
  3. Select History. The history page opens for review.
  4. To close the history page, click the Close icon .

View your completed tasks

To view a list of your completed tasks, complete the following steps

  1. Open the Tasks application.
  2. In the upper left corner, the list view defaults to Active. Click on the list and select Completed.

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