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My Settings

A Kahua profile establishes how a user appears in the Contacts app, as well as in the broader Kahua Community. Kahua users from other companies can see contact records in the Community and add them as a Contact in their list of People to begin collaboration.

Click the person icon in the upper right corner of your screen (or if you’ve set a picture, select your image) and select My Settings from the drop-down menu to bring up the current user account.

There are up to eight tabs with available settings on the My Settings action bar, depending on which host you are using (desktop, webhost, or mobile) and the selections made by your domain administrator:

General tab




Local Files


Out of Office


General tab

Message Options

  • Copy inbound emails that include to my Inbox. - Select this option to have email messages with your email address in the To, CC, or BCC field that are also sent to to be copied to your Messages app inbox.  For more information, refer to Sending emails into Kahua
  • Send copy of received messages to my email. - Select this option to have a copy of messages in your Messages app inbox also sent to your email address.


Select the time zone you work in.

Default Language and Regional Format setting

Select your preferred language and date/time formatting.  The Regional Format Examples section show you how dates and times will appear in Kahua based on your selections.

Partition Navigator

  • Show project number - Select this option to include the Project Number with the Project Name as you navigate Kahua.

Advanced Display

  • Show Account Details in Window - Select this option to include your user name and company name with your user icon in the top right of the header bar.
  • Only Display Page After Entire View Loads (Increases Load Time) - Select this option to not allow partial display of pages when you first click on them. 

Google Drive

  • Enable Google Drive Uploads - Select this option to allow files to be uploaded into File Manager from a Google Drive when you select Add Files


Enter your personal information. Fill out the Details section completely, especially if you are part of an approval workflow. Fill out other information, including uploading a photo, as needed by your organization.  Your photo will appear as your profile icon in the header.

Note: The email address associated with your Kahua account can only be changed by contacting


On this tab you can change your password.  Enter your old password, then a new one and a confirmation of the new one.  Select Password Policy to see the password requirements for your organization.  For more information, refer to Changing Your Password


  • Signature Block - By default, your signature block includes your signature image and your name. You can modify your signature to include any additional text as appropriate.  Check with your organization for their signature standards.  This signature block can appear in documents where you have added your signature.
  • Signature Image - Upload an image file of your signature. You can scan or take a picture of your signature for upload.  This image will appear in the Signature Block.
  • 4-Digit PIN - In this section, select and confirm the four-digit PIN that you will use when a signature is requested by the system. This PIN may be used in response to approval tasks or in the creation of certain communications. 

Local Files

This option only appears in the desktop host.   Select Enable to turn on the local files feature.  This will copy the folders and files from the File Manager app to a folder on your computer. The files can be accessed and edited locally and will sync back to File Manager. For more information, refer to Local Files (Kahua File Manager Synchronization)

Note that this feature must be enabled for your domain to be available to individual users.  This is done on the Domain Defaults tab of the Domain Settings app.  For more information, refer to Domain Settings.


This option only appears in the desktop host. Enable this feature to allow offline access to applications, including Daily Reports, Field Observations, File Manager, Punch Lists, Punch List Libraries, and RFIs.  After enabling offline access in My Settings, it must be selected in each project and application. For more information, refer to Kahua Offline.

Note that this feature must be enabled for your domain to be available to individual users.  This is done on the Domain Defaults tab of the Domain Settings app.  For more information, refer to Domain Settings.

Out of Office

Your tasks can be automatically delegated to another user while you are out of the office. You can select a beginning and end date for task delegation to occur. All newly received tasks during this time frame will be delegated, existing tasks will not. All delegated tasks will remain delegated when the delegation period ends or the delegation is manually disabled.

To set up task delegation while you are out of the office, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Automatically delegate tasks during the out of office period check box. 
  2. Enter the From and To dates for the Out of Office period. 
  3. Select the user who will act on your behalf. This user must be a member of your primary domain. 
  4. Select Notify originator that task was delegated to have a message sent to the originator of the task letting them know that the task was delegated and enter text to be included in that message. 

Tasks cannot be re-delegated. If a user is the recipient of delegated tasks and then turns on task delegation for themselves, delegated tasks that they receive will not be delegated to their selected recipient of delegated tasks.

Approval tasks will not be delegated unless the Enable Approval Task Delegation option is enabled in the Domain Settings app. For more information, refer to Domain Settings.


On this tab you can manage your Discussions notification settings. This tab only appears if your domain administrator has enabled the Discussions feature. For more information, refer to Discussions.

To modify your discussion notification settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the person icon in the upper right corner of your screen (or your image if you’ve set a picture for your user account) and select My Settings from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Discussions tab.

  3. To manage which actions trigger notifications to you, enable or disable the following options under Discussion Notifications:
    • All Posts - Select this option to be notified when any post is added to a discussion that you are a participant in. Selecting this option disables the @Mentions and Replies options, as those posts are included in the All Posts notifications.

      You are a participant of a discussion if you are the author of the discussion, you were directly added by the author, you have participated in the discussion, or you were previously mentioned in the discussion.

    • @Mentions - Select this option to be notified anytime you are mentioned in a post using the @mention feature (i.e., another user enters @yourname in a post or reply). This option is disabled if All Posts is selected, as that option includes these posts.
    • Replies - Select this option to be notified anytime someone replies to a post of yours. This option is disabled if All Posts is selected, as that option includes these posts.
  4. To manage the way you receive notifications, enable or disable the following Notification Methods:
    • Message Notifications - Select this option to receive discussion notifications in a Kahua message. If you have selected Send copy of received messages to my email on the General tab, you will also receive an email message. 
    • Desktop Notifications - Select this option to receive discussion notifications as a desktop notification. 
  5. Click Save when you are done. 

Note that you must enable at least one Discussion Notification option and one Notification Method to receive a discussion notification. You can select more than one option.


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